
OS21-4 Development of parallel microwave analysis code: ADVENTURE_FullWave

Publication: ICAROB2020
Volume: 25
Pages: 740-745
ISSN: 2188-7829
DOI: 10.5954/ICAROB.2020.OS21-4
Author(s): Amane Takei
Publication Date: January 13, 2020
Keywords: Iterative domain decomposition method, Parallel finite element method, Berenger's PML, Large-scale analysis, Microwave analysis
Abstract: With the expansion of electromagnetic field analysis using computers, large spaces that include complex shapes have also become an analysis target, and the development of a high-accuracy analysis is required for these problems. Therefore, in the present study, Berenger's PML, which is currently the most effective absorbing boundary condition, is applied to the parallel finite element method based on the domain decomposition method, which is an effective analysis method for the microwave band. As a basic study, we developed an analysis code: ADVENTURE_FullWave using a parallel finite element method based on the iterative domain decomposition method. In verifying the accuracy of the analysis code, we analyzed TEAM Workshop Problem 29, which is a benchmark problem, and confirmed that a highly accurate solution is obtained. Next, a model with Berenger's PML added to the dipole antenna model is used as an analysis object, and the absorption performance of the PML is evaluated using a reflection coefficient based on the S parameter. Moreover, the accuracy of the antenna analysis is evaluated by comparing the directivity of the dipole antenna with the theoretical solution.
PDF File: https://alife-robotics.co.jp/members2020/icarob/data/html/data/OS/OS21/OS21-4.pdf
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