
OS16-1 Motion Planning to Retrieve an Object from Random Pile

Publication: ICAROB2022
Volume: 27
Pages: 328-334
ISSN: 2188-7829
DOI: 10.5954/ICAROB.2022.OS16-1
Author(s): Shusei Nagato, Tomohiro Motoda, Keisuke Koyama, Weiwei Wan, Kensuke Harada
Publication Date: January 20, 2022
Keywords: viewpose selection, motion planning, object recognition
Abstract: It is challenging to retrieve a target object from a randomly stacked pile by using a robot due to the occlusion of the target object. In this study, we propose a novel retrieval method in which a robot selects the viewpose to observe the occlusion part of the target object using the RGB-D images, and then selects the motion of grasping/dragging to retrieve the object depending on the configuration of the pile. We experimentally confirm that a robot effectively observes a pile with a complex configuration and successfully retrieves a target object.
PDF File: https://alife-robotics.co.jp/members2022/icarob/data/html/data/OS/OS16/OS16-1.pdf
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