
OS12-7 The Design of Material Conveying and Automatic Sorting Control System Based on PLC

Publication: ICAROB2022
Volume: 27
Pages: 1085-1088
ISSN: 2188-7829
DOI: 10.5954/ICAROB.2022.OS12-7
Author(s): Qian Wang, Xiaoyan Chen, Shengmin Cao
Publication Date: January 20, 2022
Keywords: automatic sorting, PLC, MCGS
Abstract: The automatic sorting technology is widely used in all walks of life, such as logistics distribution centers, post offices, mining, port, etc. It can replace humans to do a lot of monotonous reciprocating or high-precision work. In order to liberate people's hands to do more challenging and innovative work and greatly improve work efficiency. This design uses programmable logic controller PLC and configuration software to design an automatic sorting control system. The PLC and MCGS present a friendly man-machine interface and powerful data management functions. The simulation results show that the system has high sorting efficiency and stable performance.
PDF File: https://alife-robotics.co.jp/members2022/icarob/data/html/data/OS/OS12/OS12-7.pdf
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