January 23 (Monday)

 Room E

 11:00~11:40 Plenary Talk

Chair J. J. Lee Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea         

 PT-1  Multi-locomotion robots -PDAC for intelligent control-

     T. Fukuda (Nagoya University, Japan)


January 24 (Tuesday)

 Room E

 10:50~11:30 Plenary Talk

Chair K-B. SimChung-Ang University, Korea

 PT-2  Present state and future of intelligent space –discussion on implementation of RT in our environment

      H. Hashimoto(University of Tokyo, Japan)

January 25 (Wednesday)

 Room E

 11:00~11:40 Plenary Talk

Chair J. Du (Beijing Technology and Business University, China)           

 PT-3  Development of future intelligent sweet home for the disabled

      J. J. Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)



January 23 (Monday)




Room A

 8:40~10:00 GS2 Artificial Intelligence-T

Chair: D. Ai (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)

GS2-1 Locating static targets by matching image frames

      X. Wang(Niihama National College of Technology, Oita University, Japan)

      M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

      J. Wang (Hebei University of Science and Technology, China)

GS2-2 Perceptual and introspective learning for developmental robot

      Z. Shi, Q. Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

GS2-3 A robot control method using evolutive binary decision diagrams

      M. Kanoh (Chukyo University, Japan)

      H. Itoh (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS2-4 Waste incinerator emission prediction using probabilistically optimal ensemble of multi-agents and neural networks   

     D. Yamaguchi, M. Takahashi, E. Tazaki (Toin University of Yokohama, Japan)

     K. J. Mackin (Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Japan)


12:40~14:00 GS3 Artificial Intelligence-U

Chair: X. Wang (Niihama National College of Technology, Japan)

GS3-1 Model-based reinforcement learning for large-scale multi-agent games with sampling-based state estimation

      H. Fujita, S. Ishii (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

GS3-2 Analyzing robustness in multi-agent reinforcement learning    ---A comparison between profit sharing and Q-learning

         T. Nehashi, K. Takadama(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

     K. Miyazaki (National institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation, Japan)

GS3-3 Natural policy gradient reinforcement learning method for a looper-like robot

      Y. Nakamura, T. Mori, S. Ishii(Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan)

GS3-4 Vector control of induction motor using advanced hybrid system based on GA and Bacteria Foraging

      D-H. Kim (Hanbat National University, Korea)


14:10~16:30 OS1 Student’s Session-Recognition and Control for Robot

Chair: F. Dai (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

Co-Chair: J. Hayashida (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

OS1-1 Remote Control of robot using wireless LAN

      N. Kawasaki, F. Dai, Y. Fujihara (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

OS1-2 Research on face recognition system by genetic algorithm

      F. Dai, T. Kodani, Y. Fujihara (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

OS1-3 Research on autonomous mobile robot for visually handicapped humans

      T. Nakamura, F. Dai, Y. Fujihara (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

OS1-4 Walking orbit of biped robot by using the simulation

   K. Umezaki, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

OS1-5 Motion trace through head control

      E. Goubaru, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

OS1-6 Characteristic measurement of artificial muscle

      S. Ichikawa, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

OS1-7 Motion control of biped robot

      K. Kabata, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)


16:30~17:50 OS2 Intelligent Systems

Chair: S. Omatu (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

Co-Chair: H. Ido (Niihama National College of Technology, Japan)

OS2-1 Intelligent classification of bill money

      S. Omatu (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

      T. Kosaka(Glory TD Himeji, Japan)

      M. Teranisi (Nara University of Education, Japan)

OS2-2 Intelligent smell classification by neural networks

      S. Omatu,T. Fujinaka, S. Okazaki(Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

      T. Sumiya, M. Ono (Funai Electric Advanced Applied Technology, Research Institute Inc., Japan)

OS2-3 Graph construction with maximum number of trees by continuous edge addition

      H. Ido, Y. Ohama, T. Takahashi (Niihama National College of Technology, Japan)

OS2-4 Graph Extension with Constant Connectivity

      H. Ido (Niihama National College of Technology, Japan)

      S. Omatu (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan) 


Room B


8:40~10:20 OS13 Intelligent Sensor and Algorithm

Chair: J. J. Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

Co-Chair: M. Habib (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

OS13-1 Design and fabrication of tactile sensor system of FBG optical fiber sensors

      J. S. Heo, J.J. Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

OS13-2 Implementation of an intelligent personalized digital library system based on improved negotiation mobile multi agents

     Y. I. Cho (Suwon University, Korea)

OS13-3 Crowd simulation with virtual force model

      C.Y. Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

       S. Baek (ETRI, Korea)

OS13-4 Driver fatigue detection using genetic algorithm

      S. Jin, S-Y. Park. J. J. Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

OS13-5 Virtual planes and active vision for fast 3D real time obstacle detection and avoidance

       M. K. Habib, J. J. Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)


12:40~14:00 OS10 Soft Robotics and Information

Chair: T. Yamamoto (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

Co-Chair: H. Kinjo (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

OS10-1 Identification using dynamical neural network with modified BP method

    K. Nakazono, H. Kinjo (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

    K. Ohnishi (Keio University, Japan)

OS10-2 Nonholonomic system control using neurocontroller evolved by genetic algorithm

    N. Ogino, H. Kinjo, K. Nakazono, T. Yamamoto(University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

OS10-3 Searching performance of real-coded genetic algorithm using biased probability distribution functions and mutation

    H. Nakanishi, H. Kinjo, N. Oshiro, T. Yamamoto (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

OS10-4 A self-organizing model of place cells with periodically distributed receptive fields

    N. Oshiro, K. Kurata, T. Yamamoto(University of the Ryukyus, Japan)


14:10~16:30 OS4 Ubiquitous Automated Systems

Chair: J. M. Lee (Pusan National University, Korea)

Co-Chair: S-C. Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-1 On-line prognostics health maintenance for induction motors based on time-series data mining

      J. Park, Y. Kim, Y-I. Kim, H. Bae, S. Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-2 The curvature detect system of the lane using image

     J-w. Kim, S-k. Ha, S-b. Cho, K-r. Baek (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-3 Implementation mass flow controller for adaptive PID

     B. Cho, K. Baek (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-4 A force reflection electronic joystick using single hall sensor

       S.K. Cho, S. S. Han, J.M. Lee (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-5 An self-localization of mobile robot in an RFID sensor space

     B. S. Choi, H. S. Choi, J. M. Lee (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-6  Fuzzy posture control for biped walking robot based on force sensor for ZMP

      K.C. Choi, M.C. Lee, J. M. Lee (Pusan National University, Korea)

OS4-7 Bluetooth network for distributed autonomous robotic system

      S-H. Whang, I-H. Jang, K-B. Sim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)


16:30~18:10 GS7 Cooperative Systems

Chair: M. Eaton (University of Limerick, Ireland)                

GS7-1 Mapping children and playgrounds into multi-agent systems

      A. Derakhshan, F. Hammer, H. H. Lund (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

      Y. Demazeau (CNRS, Laboratoire LEIBNIZ, Institut IMAG, France)

GS7-2 Reference-position detection using fan beam laser for cooperative localization of multiple mobile robots

      H. Takai, J.Mitsuoka (Hiroshima City University, Japan)

      K. Tachibana(Osaka Gakuin University, Japan

GS7-3 Learning method of cooperative team play using the immune system

      N. Kogawa, K. Kobayashi, M. Obayashi, T. Kuremoto (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

GS7-4 A study on stability analysis of cooperative AGV systems using decentralized control algorithm

      J. H. Suh, K. S. Lee(Dong-A University, Korea)

      Y. B. Kim(Pukyong National University, Korea)

GS7-5 Development of learning support system for piano-keying-Relationship between the activity of finger muscles and key-release velocities of an expert-

       T. Tamei, T. Shibata, S. Ishii(Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)


Room C


8:40~10:20 GS21 Robotics-U

Chair: S. Sagara (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)                 
GS21-1 Implementation of infrared wireless communication system for multi-mobile robots’ team operations
      H. Takai, T. Ninomiya (Hiroshima City University, Japan)      K. Tachibana (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan)
GS21-2 The development of robot palletizing simulator using pallet pattern algorithm and trajectory optimization
      S-n. Yu, S-j. Lim, H-k.Yoon, C-s.Han (Han Yang University, Korea)
GS21-3 Redundant arm positioning control by linear visual servoing based on linear approximation of forward kinematics

      S. Mukai, N. Maru (Wakayama University, Japan)

GS21-4 A study of an autonomous mobile robot for sewer inspection system

      A. Ahrary, A. Nassiraei (FAIS-Robotics Research Institute, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

   M. Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS21-5 Detection of face pose with neural networks

      Y-Z. Chang, G-T. Hung (Chang Gung University, Taiwan)


12:40~14:00 GS22 Robotics-V

Chair: N. Homma (Tohoku University, Japan)               

GS22-1 A study on the development of actively controlled anti-seasickness bed

      Y. B. Kim (Pukyong National University, Korea)

      J. H. Suh, K. S. Lee (Dong-A University, Korea)

GS22-2 A modeling and position control based on two –mass system for machine stand vibration system

      S. Watanabe, F. Ohkawa, R. Oguro, J. Kobayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS22-3 Reinforcement learning of switching multiple controllers to control a real robot

       Y. Tokita, Y. Nakamura, S. Ishii (NARA Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

       J. Yoshimoto (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation, Japan)

 GS22-4 Real time control of humanoid-robot cooperative motion using a genetic algorithm and neural network

      K-J. Choi, Y-K. Hwang, D. S. Hong (Changwon National University, Korea)


14:10~16:30 GS20 Robotics-T

Chair: C-Y. Lee (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

GS20-1 Navigation system for an autonomous robot using an ocellus camera in indoor environment

       T. Umeno, E. Hayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

 GS20-2 RAC for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems using dynamic equation

      T. Yatoh, S. Sagara, M. Tamura (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS20-3 Digital tracking control of space robots using transpose of Generalized Jacobian Matrix 

        S. Sagara (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

       Y. Taira (National Fisheries University, Japan)

GS20-4 Optimal parameter tuning in proportional control for the unicycle mobile robot :An experimental study

      D. Hazry, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

GS20-5 Development of an autonomous personal robot “System of recognition for work”

      H. Mizoguchi, Y. Matsumoto, E. Hayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS20-6 A model of Mckibben muscle actuator based on experiment

       H. Zhao (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China / Oita University, Japan)

     M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

     D. Yu (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)

GS20-7 Offensive strategy of a billiard robot

      J-S. Yang, J-T. Li (Tamkang University, Taiwan)
      C.Y. Yang (Northern Taiwan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan)

16:30~17:50 GS6 Complexity

Chair: K. Ikeda (Kyoto University, Japan)

GS6-1 VeriSync:A verification system for firing squad synchronization protocols on one-dimensional cellular automata

      K. Matsumoto, H. Umeo (University of Osaka Electro-Communication, Japan)

GS6-2 State-efficient synchronization protocols for communication-restricted cellular automata

      T. Yanagihara, M. Kanazawa, H. Umeo (University of Osaka Electro-Communication, Japan)

GS6-3 Analysis and simulation of group dynamics based on interaction between decision making and Heider’s POX systems

      T. Nomura (Ryukoku University, Japan)

GS6-4 Cut off of Zipfs power law in US cities

      K. Yamasaki, M. Ohshiro, K.J. Mackin, E. Nunohiro (Tokyo University of information Sciences, Japan)


Room D


8:40~10:20 GS12 Image Processing

Chair: S. Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)               

GS12-1 Visualization of an invisible space based on the MR technique

      S. Hashimoto, J. K. Tan, S. Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS12-2 Face emotion recognition-a survey

      M. Karthigayan, M. Rizon , S. Yaacob, R. NagarajanNorthern Malaysia University College of Engineering, Malaysia)

GS12-3 Moments in IC chip classification

      M. Karthigayan, R.Nagarajan, S. Yaacob, P. Pandian, M. Rizon (Northern Malaysia University College of Engineering, Malaysia)

      M. Rozailan (Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute(TATI), Malaysia)

GS12-4 Dimensions reduction for face recognition using principal component analysis

      M. F. Hashim, M. Rizon ,P. Saad, M. Karthigayan S. Yaakob, H. Yazid (Kolej Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM), Malaysia)

      M. R. Mamat (Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute (TATI), Malaysia)

GS12-5 Automatic motion detection for surveillance

      N. Mokhtar, M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)  

12:40~14:00 GS11 Human-Machine

Chair: J-Q. Liu (ATR Network Informatics Labs., Japan)             

GS11-1 Surface based spatial awareness for mobile robots

      K. Kanev (The University of Aizu, Japan)

      S. Kimura (Kanazawa University, Japan)

GS11-2 Interactive musical editing system to support human errors and offer personal preferences for an automatic piano- A system of inferring phrase expression-

       Y. Hikisaka, E.Hayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS11-3 Minimal design of “in situ” communication agents

      N. Matsumoto, H. Fujii, M. Okada (ATR Network Informatics Laboratories, Japan)

GS11-4 A novel human-environment interface for conceptualizing spatial information in non-speech audio

      S. Nomura, M. Tsuchinaga, Y. Nojima, T. Shiose, H. Kawakami, O. Katai (Kyoto University, Japan)

      K. Yamanaka (Federal University of Uberlandia, Brasil)


14:10~16:30 GS4 Artificial Life

Chair: H.H Lund (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)

 GS4-1 Emerging cell array based on reaction-diffusion

      S. Miyashita (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

      S. Murata (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

 GS4-2 Biomimetic control of mobile robots based on the information processing model of Paramecium

      A. Hirano, T. Tsuji, N. Takiguchi (Hiroshima University, Japan)

      H. Ohtake (Osaka University, Japan)

 GS4-3 Evolutionary simulation of an agent based mobility system using indirect communication

      F. Zanlungo (University of Bologna, Italy)

      T. Arita (Nagoya University, Japan)

GS4-4 Evolution, development and learning in the prisoner’s dilemma game

      Y. Ogawa, T. Arita (Nagoya University, Japan)

GS4-5 Describing metabolic pathways using an artificial chemistry based on pattern matching and recombination

      Y. Suzuki, K. Tominaga (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)

GS4-6 Morphogenesis of 3D sheets exploiting a spatial condition

      S. Miyashita (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

GS4-7 Sexual reproduction in digital organisms

   D. Ai, X. Ban. Y. Yin, X. Tu (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China)


January 24 (Tuesday)


8:00~ Registration


Room A


8:40~10:20 GS9 Genetic Algorithms-T

Chair: A. Nakamura (National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology

(AIST), Japan)                              

GS9-1 Development of NC tool path generation system by absolute and incremental type  individual

      H. Yamamoto, R.B. Ramli (Gifu University, Japan)

GS9-2 A study of selecting optimal parameters for genetic algorithm

      S.Y. Park, S. Jin, J.J. Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), Korea.

GS9-3 The new DFM approach based on genetic algorithm

      M. Yoshikawa, H. Terai (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

GS9-4 Design of an augmented automatic choosing control with constrained input by extremizing a combination of Hamiltonian and Lyapunov functions

      T. Nawata (Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan)

    H. Takata (Kagoshima University, Japan)

GS9-5 Colour quantisation using simulated annealing

      G. Schaefer, L. Nolle (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom)

      T. Nakashima( Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)


12:30~13:50 GS10 Genetic Algorithms-U

Chair: H. Yamamoto (Gifu University, Japan)

GS10-1 Applying genetic algorithm to a programming training support system

      E. Nunohiro, K. J. Mackin, M. Ohshiro, K. Yamasaki(Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Japan)

GS10-2 Automatic generation of B-spline curve using the evolution technique

      M. Saito, S. Serikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS10-3 A genetic approach to the design of autonomous agents for futures trading

      H. Kitano, T. Nakashima, H. Ishibuchi (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

GS10-4 Comparison between self-organization with sampling and genetic algorithms in multi-modal function

     T. Higo, K. Takadama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

     M. Katuhara, T. Majima (National Maritime Research Institute , Japan)


14:30~16:10 OS11 Dynamics and Control for Complex Systems

Chair: H. Suzuki(The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Co-Chair: S. Horai (The University of Tokyo, Japan)       

OS11-1 A simple model of evolving ecosystems

    T. Shimada, K. Aihara (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

      Y. Murase, S. Yukawa, N. Ito(The University of Tokyo, Japan)  

OS11-2 The behavioral adaptation and the diversification in ecosystem

      Y. Murase, S.Yukawa, N. Ito (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

      T. Shimada (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

 OS11-3 Stability of equilibrium state of multi-type SIS model on network with certain property

      N. Sugimine (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

          K. Aihara ( Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, The University of Tokyo, Japan)

  OS11-4 On chaos suppression by resonant parametric perturbation

      M. Sekikawa (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

     N. Inaba (Utsunomiya University, Japan)

         K. Aihara ( The University of Tokyo, Japan) 

OS11-5 State estimation with finite data rates and information pattern

      H. Shimokawa (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

      K. Aihara (The University of Tokyo, Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)


16:10~17:50 OS12 Analysis and Implementation of Neural Systems

Chair : T. Kohno(The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Co-Chair: Y. Hirata (The University of Tokyo)

OS12-1 Modeling of birdsong learning with chaotic Elman network

      M. Funabashi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

           K. Aihara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

OS12-2 Classification of the spike sequences by discriminating their sources of time correlation

     K. Fujiwara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

     K. Aihara(The University of Tokyo, and ERATO, JST, Japan)

OS12-3 Spike train surrogates and dual coding

    Y. Hirata, H. Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

     K. Aihara (The University of Tokyo, Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

 OS12-4 Dynamic switching of neural coding schemes in a network with gap junctions

      Y. Katori, K. Aihara (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

    N. Masuda (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan)

OS12-5 MOSFET implementation of two-dimensional neuron model

      T. Takemoto (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

      T. Kohno, S. Tsuji (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, Japan)

     K. Aihara (Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, ERATO, JST, The University of Tokyo, Japan)


Room B


8:40~10:20 GS17 Mobile Vehicles & Human-Welfare Robotics

Chair: P. Sapaty (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)         

GS17-1 A stepping motor control for electric vehicle

      M. Sugisaka, K. Ahmad (Oita University, Japan)

GS17-2 Reinforcement learning with self-instruction by using dual Q-tables 

      O. Nishimura, H. Matsui, C. Hioki, Y. Nomura ( Mie University, Japan)

      C. Hioki (Toyota Communication Systems Co., Ltd., Japan)

GS17-3 Position estimation of a mobile robot using U-SAT (Ultrasonic Satellites)

      S.Y. Kim, C. S. Kim, S. M. Kim , M. H. Lee( Pusan National University, Korea)

GS17-4 Robotics safety issues for human welfare in an automated manufacturing system

      B. Rajamony, M. Rizon (Northern Malaysia University College of Engineering, Malaysia)

GS17-5 Asymmetry analysis of human motions for examining rehabilitation training

      K. Noda, J.K. Tan, S. Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

      N. Kito, K. Okumura (Kawashima Orthopedic Hospital, Japan)


12:30~14:10 GS8 Evolutionary Computations

Chair: M. Oswald (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)                 

GS8-1 Optimization of coordinated control parameters of traffic signals using ACO

      M. Shinohara, K. Shoji, F. Toyama, J. Miyauchi (Utsunomiya University, Japan)

GS8-2 Evolution strategies based gaussian sum particle filter for state estimation of nonlinear stochastic systems

      K. Uosaki, T. Hatanaka ( Osaka University, Japan)

GS8-3 A new algorithm for obtaining molecular information based on TaqMan real time PCR

      Z. Ibrahim (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia / Meiji University, Japan)

     Y. Tuboi, S. Sasaki, T. Yamaguchi, O. Ono (Meiji University, Japan)

GS8-4 Automatic evolution of bipedal locomotion in a simulated humanoid robot with many degrees of freedom

     M. Eaton, T.J.Davitt (University of Limerick, Ireland)

GS8-5 Interpretability-accuracy tradeoff by multiobjective genetics-based machine learning for pattern classification problems

      Y. Nojima, H. Ishibuchi (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)


14:30~15:50 GS15 Innovative Computations-T

Chair: T. Arita (Nagoya University, Japan)                

GS15-1 Recovering the network through mutual recognition and copying

      Y. Ishida, Y. Sugawara (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

GS15-2 Dynamics of spatial strategies in regulating copying strategies in a self-repair network

   Y. Ishida, M. Oohashi (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

GS15-3 Sensor data mining system with multiagent approach for metrological data and pachinko system

      A. Niimi (Future University-Hakodate, Japan)

GS15-4 Application of graduated PCR in concentration-controlled direct-proportional length-based DNA computing

     Z. Ibrahim (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia / Meiji University, Japan)

     Y. Tsuboi, O. Ono (Meiji University, Japan)


15:50~17:10 GS16 Innovative Computations-U

Chair: Y. Ishida (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

GS16-1  Molecular computing approach for constraint assignment problem

     Z. Ibrahim(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia / Meiji University, Japan)

     Y. Tsuboi, O. Ono (Meiji University, Japan)

GS16-2 Matrix multiplication by DNA computing

      N. Kasai,Y. Tsuboi, O.Ono(Meiji University, Japan)

                  Z. Ibrahim (Meiji University, Japan / Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)

GS16-3 Independent agents in a globalized world modelled by tissue P systems

      M. Oswald (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

GS16-4 A bioinformatics method for signaling pathways in cells

   J-Q. Liu, K. Shimohara (ATR Network Informatics Laboratories, Japan)


17:10~18:10 GS5 Computer Graphics

Chair: A. Niimi (Future University-Hakodate, Japan)               

GS5-1 3-D Modeling of remote dynamic situations using mobile stereo cameras

      I. Yamaguchi, J. K. Tan, S. Ishikawa ( Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS5-2 Tracking an object using an update type two-dimensional histogram

      H. Uemura, J. K Tan, S. Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

GS5-3 Detecting method of coconuts location using circular hough transform

      M. Rizon, H.Yazid, P.Saad, A.Y. M. Shakaff, A.R.Saad, S. Yaacob, M.Karthigayan,

      M. F. Hashim (Northern Malaysia University College of Engineering, Malaysia)

      M. Sugisaka (Waseda University, Oita University, Japan)

      M. R. Mamat (Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute (TATI), Malaysia)


Room C


8:40~10:40 OS7 Intelligent Systems and Learning

Chair: K. Abe (Nihon University, Japan)

Co-Chair: N. Homma(Tohoku University, Japan)

OS7-1 Brain regions related to odor learning and memory in terrestrial slug, Inciralia  fruhstorferi:Two lobes of the cerebral ganglion show different spatio-temporal activities

      Y. Makino, H. Makinae, T. Obara, M. Yano (Tohoku University, Japan)

OS7-2 Natural intelligence: Noise-resistance of neural spike communication

       N. Homma, M. Sakai (Tohoku University, Japan)
         K. Fuchigami (Toshiba Med. Sys. Corp., Japan)
         K. Abe (Nihon University, Japan)

OS7-3 Acquisition of deterministic exploration behavior by reinforcement learning

      K. Shibata (Oita University, Japan)
OS7-4 Hierarchical Q-learning in POMDP environments
      H. Kamaya (Hachinohe National College of Technology, Japan)
        K. Abe ( Nihon University, Japan)

OS7-5 Improvement of finishing quality on blow mold’s constriction parts by using an intelligent finishing robot

      F. Nagata (Fukuoka Industrial Technology Center, Japan)

       T. Hase, M. Omoto, Z. Haga (Meiho Co.Ltd., Japan)

     K. Watanabe( Saga University, Japan)

OS7-6 Self-organizing neural networks for incremental category learning

       M. Sakai, K. Takei, N. Homma (Tohoku University, Japan)

       Y. Koyanaka (FANUC LTD, Japan)

       K. Abe (Nihon University, Japan)


12:30~14:10 GS13 Intelligent Control and Modeling-T& Cognitive Science

Chair: J. S. Yang (Tamkang University, Taiwan)                 

GS13-1 Simplified geometric models in skill-based manipulation for practical use

      A. Nakamura, K. Kitagaki, T. Suehiro (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan)

GS13-2 Constructing technique of state space with low dependence on sensor configurations for autonomous mobile robots

       T. Shibuya, T. Hamagami(Yokohama National University, Japan)

GS13-3 Emergent Societies :An advanced IT support of crisis relief missions

       P. Sapaty (National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)

       M. Sugisaka(Oita University, Japan)

       R. Finkelstein(Robotic Technology Inc., USA)

       J. Delgado-Frias (Washington State University, USA)

       N. Mirenkov (University of Aizu, Japan)

GS13-4 Cognitive contour detection for negative filtering

       Z. Petres, B. Resko (The University of Tokyo, Japan / Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)

     H. Hashimoto (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

GS13-5 Multistable perception model by multilayered bidirectional associative memory

   K. Kitamura, T. Isokawa. H. Nishimura, N. Kamiura, N. Matsui (University of Hyogo, Japan)


14:30~15:30 GS14 Intelligent Control and Modeling -U

Chair: T. Nakashima (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

GS14-1 Comparative study on fuzzy and non-fuzzy cost-sensitive classification systems

      T. Nakashima, Y. Yokota, H. Ishibuchi (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

      G. Schaefer (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom)

GS14-2 Emergent design of a control system for cooperation between robots

        K. Nakayama, K. Shimohara (ATR Network Informatics Lab., Japan)

        H. Matsui (Mie University, Japan)

GS14-3 A design of mass estimated adaptive friction compensator for position control of linear motor system

       J. W. Lee, J. H. Suh, K.S. Lee (Dong-A University, Korea)


15:30 ~17:30 GS19 Neural Networks

Chair: Y. Kinouchi( Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Japan)            

GS19-1 Implicit principle discovery in tourism geography information based on data mining

       D. Junping (Beijing Technology and Business University, China)

       G. Wensheng (University of Science and Technology, China)

GS19-2 Development of neural network based pattern classification system for cDNA micro array

       D-W. Kim, C-H. Park, H-C.Yang, K-B. Sim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)

GS19-3 Remarks on tracking method of neural network weight change for adaptive type neural network direct controller

       T. Yamada (Ibaraki University, Japan)

GS19-4 Situation recognition mechanism based on the fuzzy ART for a communication robot

       K. Iwatsubo, Y. Hoshi, B. T. Nohara (Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan)

       Y. Haga (Bandai Co.,Ltd., Japan)

GS19-5 Multi-module neural network system with concept formation and primitive consciousness

        Y. Kinouchi, K. Masuda (Tokyo University of Information Sciences, Japan)

        S. Inabayashi (Pacific Technos Corp., Japan)

GS19-6 A bayesian approach to blind source separation with variable number of sources

       J. Hirayama. S. Maeda, S. Ishii (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)


January 25 (Wednesday)

8:00~ Registration

Room A


8:40~10:40 OS14 Robot Control and Application

Chair: S. H. Han (Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-1 A controller design for a motion generator based on dual linear motors

      D. H. Lee, S.Y. Seo, W. S. Choi, S-H. Lee, H. S. Kim (Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-2 Stiffness analysis of a limited-DOF parallel manipulator including the compliance of both joints and links

      H. S. Kim, C-R. Shin, J-W. Kim, S-H. Lee (Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-3 A robust adaptive control of robot manipulator based-on DSPs

      S. H. Han, U. Z. Na, W. S. Lee, H. B. Shin, Y. K. Kim (Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-4 A Study on image based visual feedback control of robot system

      S. H. Han, U. Z. Na, H. R. Kim, Y. K. Kim, C. R. Shin(Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-5 Lateral-shearing interferometer for optical testing of DVD pick-up lenses

      B. C. Kim, S.H.Kim. Y. K. Kwon, W. I. Kim (Kyungnam University, Korea)

OS14-6 Permanent magnet biased magnetic bearings and robotic applications

       T. H. Son, U.J. Na (Kyungnam University, Korea)


12:40~14:20 GS1 Artificial Brain Research

Chair: Y.G. Zhang (Academia Sinica, China)

GS1-1 A free-scale model of knowledge growth

     Y. G. Zhang, L. Tang (Academia Sinica, China)

     M. Sugisaka ( Oita University, Japan)

GS1-2 Fundamental study of dielectric elastomer as artificial muscle

      J. Hayashida, F. Dai, Y. Fujihara (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)

GS1-3 A state space filter for reinforcement learning

      M. Nagayoshi (Kobe University, Hyogo Assistive Technology Research and Design Institute, Japan)

     H. Murao, H. Tamaki (Kobe University, Japan)

GS1-4 Prediction of the aperiodic time series of a visual target by humans

      M. Shikauchi, S. Ishii, T. Shibata (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

GS1-5 Robotic emotion generation using the dynamics-based information processing

      M. Hashimoto (Shinshu University, Japan)

     Y. Katoh (Harmonic Drive Systems Inc, Japan)


14:20~15:40 GS18 Molecular Biology & Bio-inspired Approach

Chair: K. Ohnishi (Niigata University, Japan)             

GS18-1 Data manipulation of DNA relational database

      Y. Kita, S. Kashiwamura ( Hokkaido University, Japan)

     A. Kameda ( CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan)

    M. Yamamoto, A. Ohuchi(Hokkaido University, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST), Japan)

GS18-2 Stability evaluation method of DNA tile structure

      N. Iimura, F. Tanaka (Hokkaido University, Japan)

     M. Yamamoto, A. Ohuchi(Hokkaido University, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST), Japan)

      A. Kameda ( CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan)

 GS18-3 Evolutionary emergence of the 16S/18S-ribosomal RNA from a poly-tRNA structure containing a”(5’)tRNA(Gly)-spacer-tRNA(Cys)-spacer-tRNA(Leu)(3’)”region

      K. Ohnishi, S. Hokari (Niigata Univeresity, Japan)

GS18-4 Stochastic analysis of schema distribution in multiplicative landscape

      H. Furutani, S. Katayama , M.Sakamoto(University of Miyazaki, Japan)

      T. Ito (Ube National College of Technology, Japan)


Room B


8:40~10:40 OS6 Cognitive Robotics

Chair: M. Yokota (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

Co-Chair: G. Capi (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

OS6-1 Integrated multimedia understanding based on mental image directed semantic theory

   M. Yokota, G. Capi (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

OS6-2 Associative learning method in hyper-column model

     A. Shimada, R. Taniguchi (Kyushu University, Japan)

      N. Tsuruta (Fukuoka University, Japan)

OS6-3 Incremental acquisition of behavioral concepts through social interactions with a caregiver

     T. Taniguchi, T. Sawaragi (Kyoto University, Japan)

OS6-4 A step towards artificial ‘Kansei’

     K. Sugita, G. Capi, M. Yokota( Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

OS6-5 A spoken language interface to a mobile robot

      J. Bos (Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy)

     T. Oka (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

OS6-6 Performance evaluation of evolutionary multiobjective optimization

     G. Capi, M. Yokota ( Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)

      K. Bode (Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania)


12:40~14:40 OS3 Biomimetic Machines and Robots

Chair: K. Watanabe (Saga University, Japan)

Co-Chairman: K. Izumi (Saga University, Japan)

OS3-1 Mobile robot navigation by visual perception with vision decision agent in an  unstructured environment

      C. D. Pathiranage, K. Watanabe, K. Izumi(Saga University, Japan)

OS3-2 Guiding mobile robots in ubiquitous environment using binocular vision system and intelligent decision making

      J. C. Balasuriya, K. Watanabe, K. Izumi (Saga University, Japan)

OS3-3 Kansei and human experience analysis for mobile robot navigation in ubiquitous environment

      J. C. Balasuriya, K. Watanabe, K. Izumi (Saga University, Japan)

     C. A. Marasinghe(University of Aizu, Japan)

OS3-4 A natural language based human friendly network robotic system

      C. Jayawardena, K. Watanabe, K. Izumi (Saga University, Japan)

OS3-5 Some properties of coupled Van del Pol Oscillators with Inhibitory or excitory connections

      K. Izumi, A. Tajima, G. L. Liu, K. Watanabe (Saga University, Japan)

OS3-6 Optimal design method for region setting in fuzzy energy switching control of underactuated manipulators

      K. Ichida, K. Izumi, K. Watanabe, N. Uchida (Saga University, Japan)

14:40~16:20  GS23 Others  

Chair: M.Rizon  (Northern Malaysia University College of Engineering, Malaysia)

GS23-1 Design and implementation of a novel part-feeding fixture mechanism for a stationary robot

     T. C. Manjunath (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

GS23-2 Remarks on texture synthesis and texture segmentation with the aid of multi-level logistic model of Markov Random Field

        T. Kubik (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)

M. Sugisaka (Oita University, Japan)

GS23-3 Tension-based movement corrections of the artificial agent 

        B. Matosiuk, B. Grzyb (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland)

GS23-4 Development of a mobile robot for video and thermal monitoring of railway tunnels

       N. M. Bykova, S. V. Yeliseev, A. A. Loukianov, A. P. Khomenko (Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Russia)

GS23-5 A unique design and implementation of a mobile octagon

       D. Trivedi, A. Joshi, S. A. Patekar, T. C. Manjunath (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

GS23-6 Design of an home/office automation for the physically handicapped using mobile robots

        T. C. Manjunath (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

GS23-7 An efficient path planning mechanism for a micro-robot

       T. C. Manjunath(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

GS23-8 Design of a intelligent sensing interface for a flexible manufacturing system

       T. C. Manjunath(Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

GS23-9 Application of uncertain variables to knowledge-based decision making in complex systems with uncertain and random parameters

       Z. Bubnicki (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)

GS23-10 Firing Cell: An artificial neuron with a simulation of long-term-potentiation-related memory

       J. Bialowas (Medical University of Gdansk, Poland)

       B. Grzyb (Maria Curie- Sklodowska University, Poland)

      P. Poszumski (Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science, Poland)

GS23-11 Land-cover/land-use mapping based on color feature extraction

       T. Kubik, W. Paluszynski (Wroklaw University of Technology, Poland)

       A. Iwaniak, P. Tymko(Agricultural University of Wroklaw , Poland)


Room C


8:40~10:40 OS5 Bio-inspired Approach and Application

Chair: I. Yoshihara (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

Co-Chair: M. Yasunaga (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

OS5-1 A functional motif scanning algorithm for invertebrate EST analysis

      M. Ohkubo, F. Aranishi (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS5-2 Molecular clocks in aquatic invertebrates

      F. Aranishi, T. Okimoto (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS5-3 Self-organizing map of species using ribosomal protein DNA sequences

      Y. Higashi, M. Yoshihara, I. Yoshihara, K. Yamamori, N. Kenmochi  (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS5-4 Non-transcriptional region analysis of dictyostelium discoideum using 1/f noise

   M. Sato, I. Yoshihara, K. Yamamori (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

       M. Yasunaga (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

   OS5-5 A bio-inspired tracking-camera system

      K. Hayashi, N. Aibe, Y. Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

      Y. Yamamoto (Yamamoto System Design Inc., Japan)

       I. Yoshihara (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS5-6 A robot semantic recognition using support vector machine

       H-C. Lai, C-T. Chou, S- J. Horng ,G-C. Chao (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)


12:40~14:20 OS8 Vision, Automata and Neural Network

Chair: Y. Yoshitomi (Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan)

Co-Chair: A. Date (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS8-1 Flowering analysis based on image segmentation

      H. Kamikokuryo, M. Yokomichi (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS8-2 Recognition of word expressed by sign language using thermal image processing

      Y. Yamaguchi (KKC Information System Corp., Japan)

      Y. Yoshitomi (Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan)

      H. Fushimi (NTT DATA SANYO SYSTEM Corp., Japan)

OS8-3 Hierarchies based on the number of counters or the space allowed by four-dimensional multicounter automata

      M. Saito, M. Sakamoto, K. Iihoshi, T. Ito, H. Furutani, M. Kono (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

     K.Inoue (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

OS8-4 Iterative use of a pair of the self –organizing maps looking at data in two different ways

      A. Date (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

      K. Kurata (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)

OS8-5 Orbit control for the KEK 12GeV PS-MR by using NN algorithm

    Y. Hitaka (Kitakyushu National College of Technology, Japan)

      M. Shirakata, H. Sato (Proton Synchrotron Accelerator Division, KEK, Japan)

      M. Yokomichi, M. Kono (University of Miyazaki, Japan)  

 14:20~16:20 OS9 Robotics, Automata and Control

Chair: M. Kono (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

Co-Chair: M. Yokomichi (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS9-1 rajectory for saving energy of direct-drive manipulator in throwing motion

     A. Sato (Miyakonojo National College of Technology, Japan)

     O. Sato, N Takahashi, M. Kono (University of Miyazaki, Japan)

OS9-2 Underwater moving object tracking and grasping with telerobotic system

      P. Zhang, E. Shimizu, M.Ito (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)

OS9-3 A designing method research of the control system for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) using linear matrix inequalities(LMIs)

      Y. Nasuno, E. Shimizu, M. Ito (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)

      T. Aoki, I. Yamamoto, S. Tsukioka, H. Yoshida, T. Hyakudome, S. Ishibashi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan)

OS9-4 Three-dimensional synchronized alternating turing machines

     T. Ito, M. Sakamoto, M. Saito, K. Iihoshi, H. Furutani, M. Kono(University of Miyazaki, Japan)

     K. Inoue(Yamaguchi University, Japan)

OS9-5 Leaf-size bounded computation for four-dimensional alternating turing machines

     K. Iihoshi, M. Sakamoto, T. Ito, M. Saito, H. Furutani, M.Kono(University of Miyazaki, Japan)

     K. Inoue(Yamaguchi University, Japan)

OS9-6 Existence and comparison for solutions in stochastic algebraic Riccati equation

      N. Takahashi, M. Kono(University of Miyazaki, Japan)

      M. Nakai (YASKAWA Electric Corp., Japan)

      M. Ishitobi (Kumamoto University, Japan)